” The Curse of Lono” is the oddball child, an unclassifiable mix of fiction, reportage, mythologies and manic surrealism.” – The Independent, London
A wild ride to the dark side of Americana, The Curse of Lono is to Hawaii what Fear and Loathing was to Las Vegas. Originally published in 1983, this enlarged edition of Curse features all of the zany, hallucinogenic wordplay and feral artwork for which the Hunter S. Thompson/Ralph Steadman duo became known and loved.This curious book was originally published in 1983 , considered an oddity among Hunter’s oeuvre, was long out of print, prompting collectors to search high and low for an original copy.
Originally only printed in paperback (18cm x25.5cm) in 1983, Taschen Reprinted an enlarged hardback edition (38cm x 29cm) in 2005.
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